Hobbes claimed that humans are inherently selfish and greedy so that they act like they have the right to do whatever they want, especially kinds of bad acts.

The main idea of Thomas Hobbes’s opinion about human nature is the selfishness and the greed of humans. What Thomas Hobbes refers to with the figure Leviathan, the mythological namesake of the philosopher’s best-known work, is not an implication of a regime, it is the sovereign itself. This feeling of dread is the main reason for the establishment of the state because a human being is a weak creature and this situation has caused the existence of the conflict environment in the state of nature. In this sense, dread can be understood as a more dominant feeling in the human nature. The difference indicates that human beings alternate between dread and addiction. According to aspects of Hobbes’s ideas on his works, nature and psychology underlie all social and individual actions in this world. This philosopher, Thomas Hobbes, lived between 1588 – 1679, draws attention to his viewpoint on the social contract among human beings, ethics, and ideal government so as to prevent any kind of bad acts that come from human beings. Thomas Hobbes is considered as a substantial English philosopher since not only his reputation still goes on, but also his ideas are on the carpet. By developing of Machiavelli’s political theory and ideas based on the government in a philosophic way that influenced the important names such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Locke, and Immanuel Kant, Thomas Hobbes, being among the founders of modern political philosophy, emphasized the importance of the social contract and the state of human nature in his well-known work called Leviathan in the 17th century.