I was just starting my senior year when I bought the album and I think that is why this song has always struck a chord with me. If not for the alcohol and sex references it would make a perfect song for a high school graduation. This song is one of my favorites from Slippery When Wet. So, I imagine my surprise when, while listening to “Never Say Goodbye” for the thousandth time, I questioned my previous interpretations of this excellent ballad. My love of Bon Jovi has never waned: I have bought every album as soon as it was released, I have seen them in concert every time they were in or near Nebraska (I have pictures on the wall from a few of these shows, I have purchased the books, DVDs, and I even have proudly displayed my Richie Sambora and Jon Bon Jovi action figures. I enjoyed the band’s first two album Bon Jovi and 7800° Fahrenheit, but with this one I knew I was listening to something special. When I bought the album (on cassette) in 1986, I was completely mesmerized.

I know most of you are very familiar with this album and it was previously reviewed here on Return to the ‘80s. On my way home during a relatively short hour and a half drive home from the match, I reached into my trusty travel CD case and pulled out Bon Jovi’s Slippery When Wet. It was on one of this solo trips to watch my freshman daughter set for her high school varsity volleyball team that a song by one of my all time favorite bands – Bon Jovi – suddenly transformed meanings. Because of conflicting schedules, my wife and I are frequently forced to go in different directions to watch games in different parts of this really flat state of Nebraska. So saying, this means that I am on the road quite often traveling to games. Soccer, basketball, tennis, volleyball – club, high school, college – there is always a kid playing somewhere. I have four children and they all play sports. As always, you can click on the song title to hear the song/watch the video. Robert is here for us to cover some of their best ballads. The whole band puts a lot of passion in these ballads, and you can feel it.

But, their power ballads are just as great. Bon Jovi has some great rockin’ songs – especially in the early days. Hi Everybody, Today we have another awesome article by Robert.